New Teacher Tips

When you have less than 100 days to go...
The top 10 things you should be asking yourself

  • Teaching Strategies:
    • Where am I?
    • What am I doing right?
    • Why is it working?
    • What isn’t working?  How can I make it work?
  • Management system:
    • Do I need to make any changes to increase effectiveness?
    • Identify specifics of what is and is not working.
    • Make a detailed list of things that drive you crazy.  Use for your discipline plan for next year.
  • Educational growth:
    • Have my students shown educational growth in my class?
      • List specifics of what and how.
      • Plan for remediation to eliminate weakness. Tutoring etc.
    • Decide what you can do differently in your curriculum for next year.
  • Class climate:
    • How is the class interaction?  Are they showing respect for all?
    • Are they operating as a team?
  • Unique problems:
    • Faculty relationships
    • Parent-teacher relationships
  • Equipment:
    • Use your budget by spring break
    • Repair equipment
    • Write a requisition for your wish list items.

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